Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to run our normal Social Night, but the Art Auction will move online and this years Art is Exceptional!
All art is professionally framed, and will look great on anyone’s wall.
Place your bids here: (password 2066)
If you win, that will be the price you pay for the artwork (tax deductible of course!).

KA's artwork ‘KAptivating Flight’ is inspired by the beautiful wildlife that surrounds our school and the Lane Cove community, in particular the rainbow lorikeet. Each child selected two colours which they had painted on to their hands and carefully printed on to their individual watercolour page. These were then cut out to form the colourful wing of the rainbow lorikeet in flight. Much like the lorikeet, each child in KA has taken flight.

We are all swimming in the same direction in KJ. We want to swim up to being great readers, writers and counters! We are all swimming at different paces but we are all headed toward great success together. We know that if we work hard and help each other we will all get there... up to those beautiful calm, successful learning waters. KJ is lucky to have two great teachers to guide us on our swimming way. We enjoyed doing our own pattern work with oil pastels on our cut out fish, then gently painted over them over with a lovely turquoise coloured wash.

KR are off to great places, in their hot air balloon of learning. We created a hot air balloon using acrylic paints to stamp on our finger prints, forming the balloon on a beautiful, blue sky background. Creating a tapestry of individual fingerprints with each child using a unique colour to form a Dr.Seuss inspired artwork. This year has shown that even through bumpy air, great learning and discovery is all around.

As part of the Premier’s Reading Challenge, KS read a book called Bernie by Christine Sharp. We enjoyed the story so much that we decided to make a bird for our class artwork.  We collected buttons and during maths lessons we sorted them into colour, shape and size. Everyone chose their favourite buttons and placed them inside the outline of our bird. We then glued all the buttons onto the paper and then found tiny buttons to fill in the gaps.

Just as starting Kindergarten can be a big change, each student in KT has transformed a blank piece of paper into a beautiful watercolour butterfly. We used spray bottles and watercolour paints to create colourful patterns. Once dry, each piece was cut into a butterfly shape and then placed on our backing board. We can't wait to continue spreading our wings and flying off on our next adventure.

Kandinsky’s Squares with Concentric Circles is perhaps his most recognisable work and has been a fabulous source of inspiration. Inspired by his visceral, dynamic use of colour and symmetry, 1B have created their own evocation. Students explored colour and texture, allowing colours to drip into coffee filters accented with gold leafing to add a tinge of the fantastical into what is already an eye-catching palette. Their total immersion in the subject led them to incorporate filters and edging into a tactile multidimensional sequence of circles. Bursting with colours, each additional circle growing out from the one before it is a symbol of growth and development.

‘Leo’ is colourful, vibrant and fun just like 1C. To create this masterpiece, children used bright colours to paint their paper, being extra careful not to leave any white gaps. Once dried, they carefully traced around circles of different sizes before using scissors to cut out the shapes. ‘Leo’ reminds us, that even in uncertain times, if we come together as one we can create something beautiful. We’re all in this together.

Following the devastating and unprecedented Australian bushfires of 2019-2020, students in 1D have acknowledged a native Australian animal in their art auction piece. Inspired by the works of Australian artist Pete Cromer, each student in 1D contributed by using long, controlled brush strokes to create individual quills. The echidna, or bigibila, is unique in being one of only two egg-laying mammals worldwide.

1M have a Koala theme in their classroom, including a toy Koala mascot called 'Kareem'. Kareem's purchase costs went towards the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie that continues to help rescue and rehabilitate some of the Koalas affected during the bushfires last summer. We were inspired by the works of Pete Cromer and wanted to try and create our own Koala keepsake. Using acrylic paints and mixing various shades of grey, we managed to capture the endearing nature of our quintessential koala. We definitely think they are worth saving!

2/1H’s ‘Rainbow Birds’ was inspired by our love of the environment and using recycled materials. In groups, children designed their own bird, choosing from a variety of paper and patterns. They used a stencil to trace each body part for their bird onto their chosen papers. The individual sections were then arranged to create a colourful bird. After the birds were stacked, we added googly eyes and vibrant feathers to add depth. Our artwork reminds us that we all have the opportunity to explore the world around us.

2B's ‘City Escape’ was inspired by the environments around us we have been investigating through our inquiry unit. Each student selected a colour and painted parts of the buildings to represent the changes in light and colour over the Summer and into Autumn. The colours where then blended and black outline added to refine the scene. Small areas were highlighted with white or lighter shades to add interesting reflections. Our artwork reminds us that the world is made up of many different colours but this is our home which is just as beautiful and diverse as ever.

2J was inspired by Brazilian graphic artist Romero Britto. Students painted the backgrounds in a shade of their choosing and then decorated an individual flower using coloured markers. The vibrant colours and bold patterns of the flowers send a message of happiness.

Let your imagination run free. Use your mindfulness skills to imagine yourself as a sloth riding the colourful Wave of Peace. 2S painted these wonderful colours and shapes to create this engaging artwork that will inspire their imagination and creative genius for years to come. It represents peace, harmony and stillness.

In 3H, we looked at the style and creativity of Jackson Pollock. A seminal artist who danced and weaved his body as much as his brush, his influence was felt in our classroom. Each student made their own individualised mark on this artwork. Each drop of paint representing that students’ movements and feelings. A story told without words; an artwork painted without brushes.

3L’s love of robotics and projects that allow them to combine science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) inspired this year's artwork, ‘3-PROGRAMMED’. Applying their growing understanding of 2D shapes and symmetry, students experimented with ways of combining different regular and irregular shapes to each create a unique robot to reflect their personality. These robot designs were then assembled into a ‘class portrait’ and outlined in gutta on stretched silk. Students then selected bold colour combinations to carefully colour their robots with silk paint. The resulting artwork represents how students can use STEAM to re-program their future.

Our class artwork is titled ‘Plenty of Fish in the Sea’. Each student spent time experimenting with fish of different shapes and sizes, creating an artwork that reflects the uniqueness and individuality of themselves. 3M designed their own unique pattern, using brush markers, representing each child. We hope to send a message that no matter how you look or which direction you’re travelling, there are plenty of fish (people) to support and encourage you along the way.

3/4J were inspired by Mr Chu who found hundreds of sushi soy sauce bottles around our playground. To prevent them from entering our water and seas, Mr Chu collected them and washed them for us to use. The class decided to use the book, ‘The Rainbow Fish’, as inspiration. We used existing glitter from around the school to colour our fish. This was to prevent it from ending up in our seas, as glitter is also very harmful to marine life. We hope that our artwork has a positive impact on the ocean as less rubbish will head there and that it will spark sustainable practices in those who view it. We also LOVE the message from the ‘The Rainbow Fish’, about sharing and friendship. Our overall hope is to inspire kindness, to people as well as our planet.

Did you know that plants in a working space help to boost your mood, productivity, concentration and creativity? In 4C, we look after our classroom plants and they look after us! Drawing inspiration from the plants around us and from our own research, we each chose a plant that resonated with us best. We spent a few lessons perfecting our drawings, adding small details and making sure our proportions were correct. Once our drawings were complete, we carefully painted them with vibrant watercolours. Our drawings were finished off with clear dark outlines to really make our plants pop!

Inspired by zentangles and mandala art, 4S has put much effort and patience into creating this masterpiece. As a class, we looked at symmetry, lines and shapes to create patterns on different sized circles, then used fine tip pens to outline our designs. We chose a dog looking into the distance as our focal point to represent a foreseeable journey 4S will one day experience with pride and joy.

5A's ‘Circles’ was inspired by patterns around us and "Zentangled" art. Parchment paper was first dipped into cold tea leaves to colour it a shade of sepia. Each child then used a fine black pen to carefully design two individual circles, giving each one unique markings so no two circles are the same. The circles were then arranged, connected and overlapped to form a larger design. Our artwork reminds us that no matter what colour our skin is, or the shade of our eyes we are all joined together as one race.

Cross stitching requires a whole lot of patience and persistence... and 5C has delivered! After a unique pineapple design was chosen, each student carefully embroidered their own tropical coloured tile using needle and thread. Following hours of focused work, the finished pieces were placed together to create a rainbow pattern. Now things are really 'Lookin' Pine'.

6/5K used watercolour paints to create this beautiful forest of trees. Students each painted a piece of paper using watercolour paint to blend and bleed the colours together. This created the amazing patterns and texture that can be seen in the artwork. We then cut the paper into circles to form the trees.

6J has been working on photography and now the photos have come to a whole new level! This grand artwork includes a series of specifically chosen pictures of our beautiful school. Each student took around 50 photos and selected their best work. We worked on lighting, angle and shadows. Using these techniques, 6J made ordinary objects that we take for granted into eye catching masterpieces. We hope you enjoy the artwork!

6W’s art piece ‘Mysterious Hooter’ was inspired by the mysteries of the unknown. We began our artwork through an owl drawing competition. After selecting the winner, we painted strips of vibrant water-based paints on art paper. 6W then cut out small strips of paper to form a puzzle of the owl which we then put together. ‘Mysterious Hooter’ reminds us of how beautiful something be when it is pieced together with a bit of colour and imagination.

When the P&C enquired about an additional artwork to be auctioned for bushfire relief, the staff warmly embraced the suggestion and collaboratively produced ‘Home Among The Gum Trees’. The teachers all contributed to painting the watercolour background, which was then stencilled and embellished using markers, paint and gold leaf. We were all emotionally moved by the devastation of the fires over Summer and chose a gum tree to symbolise hope and regeneration. This artwork is dedicated to those who sacrificed their lives protecting others and to the volunteers who fought so bravely and selflessly. We acknowledge their incredible efforts and offer our support to the many thousands of people across the country, including those in primary schools like ours, who were affected by this season’s unprecedented fires.