You can become a member of the P&C quickly and easily. Simply pay the membership fee ($1) online via flexischools
As a member of the P&C you will be able to:
Vote on key decisions about the spending of P&C funds. Votes relating to discretionary expenditure will be conducted by email rather than at meetings this is to allow all members the opportunity to vote.
Receive minutes of P&C General Meetings via email which may include updates from the Principal and other information about P&C activities.
Be able to contribute to discussions about how P&C funds are used.
How do I Join?
Membership is $1 per year (to comply with constitution) and is renewed in January of each year.
Pay the membership fee ($1) online via flexischools
Complete this Membership Form
Place form and $1 membership fee into an envelope labelled "P&C Secretary"
Return the envelope to your class teacher or to the school office.