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Ready for School


Being involved in the P&C Executive is a great way to contribute to your school, both through providing ideas and input into school projects, helping to build a vibrant school community, or helping to raise funds to support out school.


All office bearers must be elected annually. At the AGM, all roles are declared open and anyone may nominate for a position. This year, a number of roles must be vacated and we must have new volunteers for several roles.


You must be a current financial member to stand, (you can join at the meeting), and it is expected that you will attend meetings regularly and take an active part in the discussions and activities of the P&C. Executive positions can be held by one person for a maximum of three years.



The President is responsible for:

  • The successful functioning of the P&C Association.

  • The attainment of the P&C’s objectives.

  • Ensuring the P&C takes part in the decision-making processes in the school.

  • Fostering fair participation of all members.

  • Supporting volunteers.

  • Consistent adherence to the Constitution.

  • Acting as the P&C’s spokesperson when public statements or actions are needed.

  • Setting up lines of communication with the school Principal.

  • Being a signatory on the association’s bank accounts.

  • Chairing P&C meetings.

Source: P&C Federation Handbook 2013


This role exists to support the President and deputises as required on adhoc tasks including compliance and administrative matters.


This role involves:

  • Maintaining the P&C’s financial records

  • Preparation and presentation of financial record at P&C meetings

  • Preparation of annual budget

  • Managing payments from the P&C

  • Receiving/depositing fundraising cash

  • Updating the financial records and accounts

  • Arranging the annual audit of the accounts

  • Administering the bank accounts

The role is supported by the Assistant Treasurer. The role needs to be performed by a qualified accountant, or someone with similar knowledge of financial systems and recordkeeping (e.g. book-keeper).


Create and distribute meeting schedules and issue notices of all meeting and motions

  • Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes for executive and general meetings and AGM

  • Create and maintain a database of voting members

  • Forward any important/relevant e-mails from P&C Federation to executive members

  • Distribute and record any correspondence received via school office

  • Forward message to class parents from P&C executive members as required

  • Review P&C Federation Journal and highlight any points of interest to executive members

  • Maintain record of membership


The role involves coordinating and preparing communications about P&C activities through Chatters, class parents, Facebook, the website, and any other channel that will reach parents. If you’ve got an interest in marketing, communications, or just think you’d love to help spread the word about what’s on at our school, you’d be great in this role.


The P&C runs a band program for children in years 3 to 6. The role involves coordinating all aspects of the band program, including:

  • Updating contracts for conductors and get them signed.

  • Check that all Working With Children certificates are up to date for all Tutors.

  • Liaise with parents regarding instrument tutoring

  • Liaise with the school and tutors regarding rooms for students lessons

  • Fortnightly update for Chatters

  • Apply for music Festivals during the year, help coordinate Workshop days, Tryout day & Gala Night

  • General information flow between school, tutors, conductors, committee and parents.

Most importantly along with this role is a very organized, experienced and helpful committee who will also be there to assist when needed!


This role exists to support the President and deputises as required on adhoc tasks including compliance and administrative matters. It also involves providing a small amount of support to the operation of the school canteen service through Sweet Temptations, including:

  • Liaison with Sweet Temptations/Flexischools and School. Keeping class lists up to date and lunch baskets maintained and labelled.

  • Ensure onsite and offsite menu compliance under NSW Govt Fresh Tastes @ School Canteen regulations


This role involves the co-ordination of all volunteers associated with fundraising activities:

  • Finding Lead Co-ordinators for all events (Mother’s Day, Social Night, Father’s Day, Trivia Night, Spring Fair and other fundraising events)

  • Co-ordinating the volunteers to assist with the running of these events both prior to the event and on the day of the event

  • Assist individual Event Coordinators and volunteers throughout the year to help ensure the success of their events.


Acts as liaison between the paid Uniform Shop Coordinator and the Executive and reports on issues affecting the running of the Uniform Shop.



The P&C are proposing to create additional roles for representatives from each of the infants years (K, 1 and 2) to provide an opportunity for newer parents at the school to have a voice in P&C meetings, contribute to various projects the P&C might be working on, and to learn more about the operation of the P&C at the school. These roles are welcome to attend Executive meetings in order to have input to, and get a greater understanding of, the activities of the P&C.


This role involves coordinating the Scholastic Book Club programme including:

  • distribution of catalogues

  • processing of orders

  • distribution of books.

©2017-2021 by Lane Cove West Public School P&C.

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